Renew Communities accepts gifts of appreciated stock and mutual funds.

Donating appreciated stock is one of the easiest ways to give more to causes you care about. By donating stock that has appreciated for more than a year, you are actually giving a larger percentage than if you sold the stock and then made a cash donation. The reason is simple: avoiding capital gains taxes. If you donate the stock directly to a charity, there’s no capital gains tax to pay. Plus, you are still eligible to deduct the full fair-market value of the asset you donated from your income taxes.

For example, if a person bought a stock for $10,000, and over time the stock appreciated to a value of $50,000, gifting the stock may save the capital gains tax owed on the $40,000 increase in value, plus the donor receives a tax deduction for the full $50,000 value of the stock.

Typically for tax purposes, transfers of stocks or ETFs are valued at the average of the high and low on the day of the transfer, and mutual funds at the closing price on the dayof the transfer. This value may differ from the amount received by the church. Consult a tax advisor for current IRS requirements. Securities held at a bank or a brokerage account are generally accepted for transfer to the church brokerage account. After the transfer, the church will immediately sell the securities and transfer cash to the funds you have designated.

Transfer steps:

1. Notify the Church Financial Coordinator by calling 440-973-6396 or email of the transfer date, number of shares and security name. This is important to ensure you receive credit on your church giving statement.

2. Let the Church Financial Coordinator know which church fund (ex. General, Benevolence, Next Dream, etc.) you wish the proceeds to be used. If not specified, the funds will be put in the General fund for the year.

3. Give your broker/bank/mutual fund the following information to allow them to initiate the transfer into the church’s Charles Schwab brokerage account.

Receiving Institution : Charles Schwab & Co.
DTC # 0164
Account # 3249-0443