Renew Women Deeper Roots Retreat

April 1st & 2nd, Maumee Bay Resort

Over the past couple of years, life has been turned upside down in many ways. There have been highs and lows, hope and despair, brokenness and healing.

But one of the most challenging aspects of these past couple of years has been the great uncertainty regarding the future. Amid the uncertainty, it’s easy to feel that our lives are being tossed and turned. When our lives feel shaken, we are more susceptible to fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and bitterness.

However, we believe that if our lives are deeply rooted in Jesus and his constant, unchanging, unswerving love, we will not be easily swayed by the uncertainties of life.

Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

We want to invite you to join us for a weekend away where you’ll have the opportunity to build deeper relationships, participate in fun activities, and dive into what it looks like to grow deeper roots in Christ.

Feel free to email with any questions.

Scholarships available. Please fill out the financial assistance form and return it to Bethany Solyntjes.



Monica Zuniga Bailey

Monica is a fiery Latina from small town Texas who loves her husband & family more than anything. She loves people and has a passion for platforming and positioning others for success. Monica is all about things operating effectively and efficiently and loves seeing the people and organizations she works with thrive as they partner together.

One thing Monica is known for is empowering women. She is currently working with and elevating minority and unique voices in the Evangelical Space and beyond. She believes now, more than ever, is the time for diverse women to occupy a sphere of Christian influence like never before.

She's a graduate from Dallas Baptist University and has been in the non-profit arena for 9 years. She currently serves as a consultant alongside other ministries with her gifts and while she uses her own voice to impact others for the Kingdom.



Friday, April 1st

5:30 - 6:45 PM - Registration & Check-in

7:00 PM - SESSION 1

9:00 PM - Snack & Free Time (pool, gym, bonfire, restaurants on site, games, crafts, etc…)

Saturday, April 2nd

7:30 AM - Breakfast

9:00 AM - SESSION 2

12:00 -1:30 PM - Lunch & Free Time (pool, gym, on-site hiking trails, games, crafts, etc…)

1:30 - 2:30 PM - Breakout Sessions

4:00 PM - SESSION 3

6:00 PM - Retreat Ends