There are many different ways to give to Renew.

Click the button above to give a one-time gift or by setting up a recurring donation. You can give via credit card, debit card or ACH withdrawl.

Make checks payable to Renew Communities and mail your checks to:

Renew Communities
PO Box 104
Berea, OH 44017

Text any dollar amount to 84321 to give. Follow a quick, self-guided setup process to tie your mobile phone to your donor account, and a payment source. After that, donating is as easy as sending a text.

You can donate stocks, bonds and other assets directly to Renew Communities. Click HERE for instructions on how to do that.

You can also donate 39 of the top Crypto Currencies. Click the button below to donate.


Learn how to give a one-time or recurring gift online and how to access your giving records.

Giving for April 21, 2024

Last Week - $40,036
April Weekly Budget - $20,936

YTD Giving - $366,531
YTD Budget - $339,165

Deeply Rooted Loan Payback

Remaining balance to date: $26,529 (Loan due by August 31st)